[PODCAST] Industrial hemp is one of the most versatile, sustainable products out there. Not only is it one of the fastest growing plants on Earth, along with bamboo, its applications are many and varied. It’s used in everything from clothing and cosmetics to biofuel and insultation.
A passionate minority have always known about and touted the benefits of hemp, but it wasn’t until 2017, when the ingredient received approval as a food product in Australia, that it started edging its way into the mainstream.

“The powder has a 60% protein content … and it’s a wholefood protein, so it’s only gone through a mechanical process; it hasn’t gone through any chemical process or extraction.”
Felipe Favaro, GM, Hemp Foods AUS
Since then, hemp seeds have been sprinkled over muffins; its oil drizzled over salads, and its protein powder blitzed up in smoothies. It’s also increasingly being used by food manufacturers as an alternative to traditional protein sources. Like soy, hemp seeds are a complete source of protein, meaning they contain all nine essential amino acids.
Hemp is carving itself a unique space in Australia’s alternative protein industry, and everyone has something to gain.
Here to talk us through hemp’s potential is Felipe Favaro, general manager of Hemp Foods Australia.
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