Darebin has become the first city in Australia to endorse the Plant Based Treaty, which calls for a global agreement that aligns food systems to the Paris Agreement.
According to a press release from Plant Based Treaty, the motion was approved with strong support, receiving eight votes in favour and only one against. Darebin joins 30 towns and cities throughout the globe that have endorsed the Treaty, including Los Angeles, Amsterdam, and Edinburgh.

Darebin Mayor Susanne Newton, who learned about the Plant Based Treaty when a local resident sent an email asking her to endorse it, said, “I encourage other Australian councils and our region to consider the Plant Based Treaty. As one of the regions of the world that could suffer some of the worst climate impacts, we should and can be doing all we can to change our habits for the better.”
Newton added that she hoped that more councils throughout Australia could consider endorsing the Treaty until it eventually becomes the country’s new normal.
Sheena Chhabra, Plant Based Treaty Australia campaigner, said, “Darebin is setting a powerful example in promoting plant-based food and recognizing the urgency of adopting a global Plant Based Treaty to agree on a safe and just food system. Now is the perfect time for individuals to sign the Plant Based Treaty and encourage their councils to endorse it ahead of COP29.”
The endorsement came after a motion passed in August 2023, requesting a Plant Based Treaty impact assessment report.
Among the things the report asked the council to consider were how the treaty’s goals could be implemented in Darbin, such as: using the council’s communications channels to promote sustainable eating concepts and campaigns (like Meat Free Mondays); establishing seed distribution hubs; and building community gardens and orchards, among others.
The report also proposed advocacy options for the Treaty, such as writing to the Federal Government and circulating the Treaty’s position to all other Victoria Councils.

At COP28, the Plant-Based Treaty released a report calling for action to transform the global food system into a future carbon sink and fundamental agent in regenerating and strengthening our biosphere’s innate resilience.
The plan draws on the Treaty’s 40 detailed proposals with regard to freezing the expansion of animal agriculture, promoting a shift towards plant-based diets, and restoring and rewilding ecosystems.
Those wishing to sign the Plant Based Treaty may do so here.
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