November’s R&D Deep Dive event will also examine the sustainability and environmental impact of alternative proteins and their supply chains.

Co-hosted by Future Alternative and the University of Sydney’s Alt Protein CRC, the full-day event is welcoming some of the industry’s leading researchers and academics, as well as representatives from innovative start-up companies and regulatory bodies.

Supported by the NSW Government, the R&D Deep Dive will include both individual presentations and panel discussions, with topics including:

The event will also examine the sustainability and environmental impact of alternative proteins and their supply chains.

A session titled Sustainability for Alt Proteins will be delivered by Linda Romanovska, Senior Manager, PwC, ESG, Climate Change & Sustainable Finance. This discussion will examine alternative proteins’ impact on sustainability through a number of lenses, including food security, food waste and food fraud, while also looking at sustainable food processing and foodservice practices, and how to promote sustainable food consumption.

This topic will be followed by an examination of Carbon Miles in Food Supply Chains, presented by Mengyu Li, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Sydney’s Integrated Sustainability Analysis.

According to the University’s Business Development Manager (Faculty of Science), Andrew Kemp, this session will give detailed insight into the role alt proteins can play in reducing the broader food industry’s environmental impact, and what more can be done.

“When the entire upstream food supply chain is considered, global food miles accounts for about 19 percent of total food system emissions -stemming from transport, production and land-use change,” Kemp told Future Alternative.

“Global freight transport associated with vegetable and fruit consumption contributes 36 percent of food miles emissions — almost twice the amount of greenhouse gases released during their production. To mitigate the environmental impact of food, a shift towards plant-based foods must be coupled with more locally produced items.”

The R&D Deep Dive will be held on 15 November at the University of Sydney. Tickets are $180pp+GST and include attendance to the full day conference, catering throughout the day and networking drinks from 5pm.


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