Scaling up, sourcing talent, accessing funding and consumer acceptance. These are some – but not all – of the hurdles being navigated by Australia’s burgeoning alternative protein industry.

In collaboration with Sydney University’s Alternate Protein CRC, Future Alternative is conducting a survey to help identify some of the most significant impediments to growth for Australia’s plant-based and alternative protein sector.

You can complete the survey here.

The findings will be shared at the R&D Deep Dive event, taking place on 15 November at Sydney University.

“R&D means different things to different organisations, and each organisation has different R&D needs. We would like to gauge where the industry is situated in terms of its R&D needs, and the insights gained from this survey will be shared with attendees on the day of the event,” said Andrew Kemp, Sydney University’s Business Development Manager (Faculty of Science).

Complete the survey here

The R&D Deep Dive event will see a line-up of impressive speakers from a wide range of industry sectors including manufacturing, research, government and trade.

Speakers will include:

The discussion topics will focus on Australia’s R&D landscape, examining opportunities for collaboration and optimising the process of going to market.

You can view the full program and purchase your ticket here.

This event is supported by the NSW Government.

To stay up-to-date on the latest industry headlines, sign up to Future Alternative’s enewsletter.

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